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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Down to earth
Nov 22, 2008 09:00AM

Nov 22, 2008 09:15AM

Nov 22, 2008 10:22AM

Nov 22, 2008 12:51PM

Nov 22, 2008 05:48PM
Nov 22, 2008 09:30PM
Nov 24, 2008 11:31AM

Nov 24, 2008 11:43AM

Nov 24, 2008 11:52AM

Nov 24, 2008 12:16PM

Nov 24, 2008 12:18PM

Nov 24, 2008 12:27PM

Nov 24, 2008 12:34PM
Nov 24, 2008 12:51PM

Nov 24, 2008 12:54PM

Nov 24, 2008 04:19PM

Nov 24, 2008 09:41PM

Nov 24, 2008 10:46PM

Nov 25, 2008 01:57AM

Nov 25, 2008 01:59AM

Nov 25, 2008 02:59AM
Nov 25, 2008 03:48AM
Nov 25, 2008 03:50AM

Nov 25, 2008 04:25AM

Nov 25, 2008 06:02AM
Nov 25, 2008 06:39AM

Nov 25, 2008 06:47AM
Nov 25, 2008 07:29AM

Nov 25, 2008 07:55AM

Nov 25, 2008 09:44AM

Nov 25, 2008 10:00AM

Nov 25, 2008 10:05AM
Nov 25, 2008 10:11AM

Nov 25, 2008 10:24AM

Nov 25, 2008 10:26AM

Nov 25, 2008 11:13AM

Nov 25, 2008 04:50PM

Nov 25, 2008 04:52PM

Nov 25, 2008 04:55PM

Nov 25, 2008 05:39PM

Nov 25, 2008 06:02PM

Nov 25, 2008 07:12PM

Nov 25, 2008 07:39PM

Nov 25, 2008 08:00PM
Nov 26, 2008 05:44AM
Nov 26, 2008 05:55AM

Nov 26, 2008 06:15AM

Nov 26, 2008 06:36AM

Nov 26, 2008 07:20AM

Nov 26, 2008 08:10AM
Nov 26, 2008 08:23AM

Nov 26, 2008 08:59AM
Nov 26, 2008 09:19AM
Nov 26, 2008 10:13AM

Nov 26, 2008 10:34AM

Well guys I just heard a debate on our tv about economic crisis and the need to solve it.

These guys are far from optimistic for near future and we will get out but at a much slower pace then we think.Now the blow of the crisis is coming to Europe .More and more and today once again the zinc producer Nyrstar stops his activity for a half year at least .To much stockpile today.

One of the speakers said the way of consuming like in the US with money that people don't have at the time has driven the companies and stock markets to highs which where ridiculous.The top of these companies including banking sector has filled their pockets on a very irresponsible way .Normal banking sector had to cover up the credits but instead f that they played the game on the stock markets and had lost control which explode in their face and with them throw the rest of the companies down.You can't simply not keep on buying with money you don't have .

So now the will that governments take control and help them out of the deep hole which government wasn't not responsible for.

So it is evident that they learned a big lesson and the easy way to gain on stocks will be over .So to conclude this will be solved very quick is a mistake.If we here had to see the effect from the crisis cause houses right here are still sold at a high price but now there are talks about a slowing down in housing building.So that will cause same effect like overseas with ore losses of jobs to face near term.Will that support demand for commodities ?For oil maybe we can stay around 50 as a bottom but I don't see a big rise coming and if we have one it will drop later .

If Obama together with other nations worldwide lance a shock effect action we could see some reaction on stock market.

They must convince consumers who are now staying at the sidelines for buying products like cars or other they can miss by actions like in the UK by lowering tax to buy now ,knowing they could do a nice deal because tax cut is limitted.A Mercedes dealer here said he lost about 15 % in sales last months.

Maybe I'm some pessimistic but that's the news we hear .So if we hear a good announcement of a plan we could have a rally but will be short lived IMO.

It looks they block again the sp of CLL today and it will be a small green candle .

Nov 26, 2008 11:12AM

Nov 26, 2008 12:19PM
Nov 26, 2008 12:34PM

Nov 26, 2008 04:19PM

Nov 26, 2008 04:29PM

Nov 26, 2008 07:48PM

Nov 27, 2008 02:19AM

Nov 27, 2008 05:10AM

Nov 27, 2008 05:14AM

Nov 27, 2008 05:36AM

Nov 27, 2008 05:57AM

Nov 27, 2008 06:13AM

Nov 27, 2008 06:24AM

Nov 28, 2008 03:58AM

Nov 28, 2008 07:41AM

Nov 28, 2008 08:33AM
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