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Message: The stimulus package

The stimulus package

posted on Jan 30, 2009 08:00PM
It is the weekend political Happy Hours.
CLL had a good week, taken for the ride with UTS, so let have some fun.

It looks like our friends South of the border will have a lot of fun this year.
Enjoy the party. Jurek

This is shaping up to be another Washington DC boondoggle. It would appear that "We The People" got scammed. The stimulus package the Dems brought us is nothing but another raid on the Treasury that will benefit very few except those expecting political favours.

Stimulate this:

- $9 Billion to improve nationwide broadband access(telecomms)
- $4.19 Billion to ACORN
- $1 Billion for the 2010 Census
- $600 Million for new government cars
- $15 Billion for healthcare for the jobless <- Note that it is jobless, NOT unemployed
- $54 Billion in Food Stamps and unemployment benefits
- $79 Billion to state governments
- $6 Billion for University building projects
- $50 Million for the Arts
- $2.6 Billion tax credit for first time home buyers
- $400 Million to study Global Warming
- $335 Million for STD prevention education
- $1 Billion for Amtrak
- $2 Billion for childcare subsidies
- $2.4 Billion for carbon capture demonstration projects
- $650 Million [more] for the digital TV conversion
- $7 Billion for modernizing Federal Buildings
- $83 Billion for 'earned income credits' for people who pay no taxes
- $81 Billion for Medicaid
- $1 Billion for nutritional programs
- $2.5 Billion for cash welfare payments
-$5 billion for health information technology.
-$575 million for the National Institute of Standards of Technology.
-$1 million to upgrade the Los Angeles County Convention Center elevated "catwalk" for cameras and lighting;
-$350,000 for an Albuquerque, N.M., fitness center;
-$94 million for a parking garage at the Orange Bowl in Miami;
-$4.5 million for Gretna, Florida, to bottle water with recyclable bottles;
-$35 million music hall of fame in Florissant, Missouri, and
-$3.1 million for a swimming pool in Tulsa.
-Santa Barbara, Calif., respectfully requests $80,000 for a tennis facility;
-Savannah, Georgia, would like to build a children's museum;
-Ventura, Calif., wants $6 million to renovate the beach at Surfers Point,
-Durham, N.C., home of the Durham Bulls, wants to construct the first minor League Baseball Hall of fame. -
-Dayton, Ohio, wants $1.5 million to reduce prostitution with education programs,
-Ponce, Puerto Rico wants $5.7 million to improve its cruise ship terminal (which will create all of 60 jobs)

Jan 31, 2009 02:13AM

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