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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: The stimulus package

Jan 30, 2009 08:00PM

Jan 31, 2009 02:13AM

Jan 31, 2009 05:55AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:25AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:29AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:46AM

Jan 31, 2009 06:52AM
Jan 31, 2009 07:34AM

Jan 31, 2009 08:02AM

Jan 31, 2009 08:28AM

Jan 31, 2009 10:10AM

Jan 31, 2009 12:53PM

Jan 31, 2009 03:01PM

Jan 31, 2009 04:02PM

Jan 31, 2009 05:57PM

Feb 01, 2009 02:52PM

Feb 01, 2009 03:00PM


No problem,,I enjoy being called an anarchist,,

for your reading pleasure,,A REPOST of Jureks acceptance speech

Thanks guy for your support and please skip the congratulations. This is not a privilege.

I accepted this position temporally to fill out the leadership vacuum. As all of you can imagine this position is pain on b…, never mind the responsibility.

My questions regards of our previous leaders were not answer by the Agoracom so I cannot satisfy your curiosity.

2Crude rules are still in place. Just the reminder:

belong on the off-topic forum:

x1-re-post of old news

x2-about cows....(digger)

x1-US/Canadian economy and politics

I will add my own: politics are OK on the weekends (let have some happy hours).

For those who insist to send to me a bottle of Brandy for the voluntary baby-sitting job on this forum, please mail to me the PM (privet massage) and I will give you the direction.


PS: for those who wish to complain about my English writing skill, please give your self a favour and buy the Polish dictionary.

Feb 01, 2009 04:19PM

Feb 01, 2009 09:02PM

Feb 01, 2009 10:19PM
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