Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: A Question for CLL Investors!

Sep 11, 2009 11:28AM
Sep 11, 2009 04:32PM


Your post is assumptive and misinformed. If you will review my post, I did not take a position on the questions I asked. Does that mean that I do not see a potential that many, including myself, do not consider a potential that the common non institutional share holders are being treated less fairly than is perhaps appropriate? Of course not. Does that mean that one must be convinced that CLL is merely a victim of exogenous and extraneous events totally beyond the control of management and the BOD? Of course not. And finally, merely asking questions about a company one is invested in, with the performance track record and multiple dilutions which Connacher has exhibited, is in my opinion quite appropriate and perhaps even wise. And therefore, is a very logical consideration for the members of a forum such as this to undertake.


Sep 13, 2009 05:35PM
Sep 14, 2009 03:03PM
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