Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: PDP

I know that Gusella used to check this board on a regular basis to see what the reaction of concerned shareholders were. I sincerely hope that he continues to do so and is willing to consider some of the objectives and alternative strategies which need to be considered and are being raised by this board of concerned investors. A good healthy dose of critical examination so as to determine if Shareholder benefit is being advanced by the actions of Management or not, is appropriate for both Management and shareholders. Particularly as Shareholders are obviously with increasing prevelance beginning to raise these very points. If these issues are not addressed by Management with respect to their shareholders, it is logical to assume that the commitment of many of those shareholders will begin to wane. Such would meet none of the interests of the parties most involved!

After a significant period of time, in which many on all sides have suffered some serous economic damage, there are obviously issues which need to be forthrightly addressed. Management has such as a responsibility and shareholders have not only an appropriate expectation but also a valid concern. If these criteria are not met, the interests of none of the parties as expressed by the SP will continue to disappoint all which have the legitimate interests of Connacher at heart.


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