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Message: Re: BP problems

Jun 12, 2010 11:48AM

In one of our magazines I read something about the BP disaster.

They don't tell everything .Scientist predict the reason they can't stop the spill has to do with the bad condition of the well .The say the well below the surface is comap^rable with a tube with a lot of leaks due to their bad condition and misusing safety rules and not replacing material that needs to be replaced.They fear because of the high pressure when they should cap the leak the pressure should become so high that the whole well could implode causing a massive leak which could be such a huge disatser .

That's why they will try to drill 2 other relief wells to drop the pressure.That's the reason they are using the latest capture from the spill to reduce some of the pressure.They don't tell that because of the public opinion that is rising towards BP.If such a scenario could occur the BP is gone.

Now everyone is looking to Obama but in fact it's not him who causes the explosion of the rigg .At some point he's right that if oil companies take so many risk to drill oil that it becomes questionable how far they can go .I would hold my hands of BP.They are far out of trouble and let's hope they can found a solution that holds the oil out of the ocean.

They panicked when they cut the head of the well and the diamant drill get stuck .They probably are also English written website where you can found that information.It's pretty scaring if they are right.It becomes time that they get these oil firms on their knees to addept the highest standard of safety for their action and besides a good plan if something like these should happen again.

Jun 17, 2010 06:22PM

Jun 17, 2010 06:50PM

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