Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Surprise Equity Offering

Well folks today is the day, I sold every last stinkin share of this pos stock...5 yrs I've held on wondering why, why, and then why again and again. This company is no longer following the business plan I thought it had set out to achieve. Which was to use revenues to further expand their growth. Instead they have screwed us over and over again by diluting the crap out of this stock and lining there pockets with millions and millions of shares...There is no dought in my mind they will go to the market again for what ever reason and the market will continue to punish it...Maybe someday someone with deap pockets might put an offer to buy this company but that's getting unrealistic with 500,000,000shrs outstanding and a kafreaking billion dollars in dept...This is a sinking ship and I'm bailing...sorry to those who still believe, I don't mean to dump my frustrations on you but enough is enough...

Look at the poor saps that held on to uts for so long. What happened to them? A 10 for 1 split I believe and then a crappy offer of $3.60 or so....Can someone see a 10 for 1 split in Connacher's future? I can...

The way I see it is the big boys never wanted to see Connacher succeed in their big boy world and they (they being the ones who own these shares or the big oil companies) were going to manipulate this stock to keep it supressed so it doesn't run away on them once they want to move in and buy it...

P.S. Oh and Brian I just want to say that you were right all along...I was just frustrated with this company and you weren't making it better by being so negative. I was just hoping you were wrong...My only question to you though is still, why do you still hang around if you dislike the company and it's management so much? Is it possible you may be working with the big boys in trying to supress this thing? Doesn't matter anyway, I've seen enough....Good luck to all....5 freaking tears....

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