Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: The Most Pernicious Element Depressing Connacher

To what is attributale the depressed state of Connacher shares and subsequent loss of value?

In my opinion, it is a general lack of confidence and belief on the part of virtually all investor classes regarding the competence, judgement and motives on the the part of Executive Management. Adding support to this position is our learning of the disappearance of a senior member of Management recently. We then learned within a couple of days that the individual in question had accepted a more senior position with a competitor.

The reality is that until such time as the egregious policy regarding the insulated status of "insiders" from dilution and therefore accountability for the risky behaviors which have landed Connacher in its present state, this stock will remain a vehicle for the "insider" investors. And therefore for the general public investor a tool of victimization as the "non-insider" investors whom do not share access to the same information regarding dilutions and current state of Company specific data which the "corporate insiders" and institutions do. In other words, Connacher has become a vehicle for the "informationally priviliged" to victimize those not enjoying the same privilige. THE NON-INSIDER INVESTOR. THEREFORE, CLL IS IN ACTUALITY A TOOL FOR THE TRANSFER OF CAPITAL FROM THE "NON-INSIDER" TO THE "INSIDER". OR A TOOL OF VICTIMIZATION!

At the core of this affliction and the more equitable treatment of the Non Insiider holder of CLL equity, must be a revocation of the priviliged status of the "Insiders" and informationally priviliged. Until such time as this takes place, this stock will remain a vehicle for the victimization of non Insiders in order to benefit the "Insiders"!


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