Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: Copper Fox drilling extends mineralization and acquired additional land

AWESOME!!! I can now uncross my fingers on Discovery. Too bad about the drills so far in Mike zone. Still lots of hope for that zone.

More property from Mr Marko... Can't say I'm surprised given the track record since last summer.

Aster? Need to see what exactly that looked like but does support the 'district' thesis.

Good luck everyone!

Aug 02, 2012 10:00AM
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