Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Copper Fox is a different animal..

99% of all other exploration or mining plays on the TSXV (even TSX) are down big time and have very little hope.

Many don't even have enough money to pay for their listing fees, survive another quarter, forget about exploration.

They can't get financing, and even if they do, they get diluted to a pulp and they'll still need more money later on.

Those that actually have a resource need to look at the next step, PEA or more drilling. Others work on environmentals but will never ever receive the required permits to move on (due to their location). Those that actually even get to feasibility stage can't pay for it and if they get one done and the project gets approved they need to find financing.

An exploration company aims to get the full package together and sell to a major.

Full Package:

- Safe political location

- Resource Estimate

- Feasibility study with many enhancement opportunities

- Zero environmental issues

- Power supply

- Logistics

- First nation support

- Massive exploration potential

- Higher grade zone(s)

Of course it's fun to have huge insider ownership. Very wealthy insiders that finance when required and continuously buy shares on the open market when they're not blacked out.

CUU has all the above, but even with that you need more:

- A world class operator

- Side Money (to enhance project and explore potential)

- Financing for the mine

If you have this (Royal Flush) you can worry not and know you'll be selling to whoever.

This is where we're at. This is what we're waiting for, and yes it's looking good.

What people need to understand is that CUU has this Royal Flush and more.

We even secured the next projects. 2 projects waiting on the side with a seperate incorporation and name: Copper Fox Minerals.

For those who haven't seen it they updated some info (directors and filed annual report May 29th 2013)

See here:


- One project has who knows how many pipes with copper grades going from 2% to 6% literally starting from surface (0m). Yet Elmer doesn't care, what he cares about is the SOURCE feeding those pipes and he wants to find it.

''At Sombrero Butte, breccia pipes are present across the entire extent of the property, so it is conceivable that the breccias reflect the footprint of an underlying porphry copper system. The company will continue to test these numerous breccias as well as explore for the suspected deep seated porphry source for the breccias''

Sumbrero: http://starpas.azcc.gov/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=wsbroker1/names-detail.p?name-id=17791046&type=CORPORATION

- The second project already has a historical estimate of 120 million tonnes (1.2 Billion pounds) average grade 0.52% copper with in-situ leaching recoveries of 80%

Van Dyke: http://starpas.azcc.gov/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=wsbroker1/names-detail.p?name-id=17791013&type=CORPORATION

So here we are waiting while CUU and Teck have been diuscussing for yes.. 5 months now.

Is Teck interested, yes.

Who did Teck just put in charge of Copper, Dale Andres, a mining engineer who (trust me) understands everything there is to know about Schaft Creek.

He understands


- The waste rock (revenue not expense)

- Positive magnetic signature and 1 to 1 correlation

- The pit plan that was built for the operator (flexible expansion)

- Impact of increased metal recoveries

- Impact of additional metallurgical work (reduce processing cost)

- The 2 Billion tonnes we already have

- The potential to easily scale up to 180,000 tpd (just based on remaining resource not included in the Feasibility)

- Shorter payback

- Shorten the project development execution timeline

- Longer mine life

- The unexplored portion of the Paramount zone

- The higher grade zone

- The expansion of Schaft Creek (North, East, Depth) vi aminimal drilling

- The Discovery zone and the District.

So let Teck back in 75%, sounds good to me.

Let them do all the work and make us more valuable (they have $350 million to spend). Let them finance CUU to production. Let Teck upgrade the Feasibility using their own beneficial costs combined with the above enhancements....a whole different perspective.

Insiders (once out of blackout) should buy. The market and so called experts will question, look and then realise why Teck never walked and why they acted during these interesting economic times. (yet it's all stated above)

CUU's going to sell to another major no problem. And as mentionned before Teck has plenty of potential partners (CIC, Sumitomo, Glencore, Mitsubishi...)

So if your holding shares at a loss...you only lose if you sell at these ridiculous prices. We already have a pretty good idea of what's coming.

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