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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: News of Aug 7,8,9

News of Aug 7,8,9

posted on Aug 14, 2008 04:13PM

You mention connecting the dots. Lets go back to that time frame and see what was in the news. I will post a series of new/articles from those dates. First off this is from the AN website from their Wed Aug 6 meeting:

Creation of inter-table to eradicate the problem mining
Mià © rcoles, 06 August 2008 - 19:57:02
To remedy the situation of the mining sector in the south, the Standing Committee on Energy and Mines, led the final report containing the final recommendations, which will be discussed with government agencies involved in the area.

Alejandra Mata Yánez / AN Press

After making several meetings with government representatives from the ministries of Energy and Petroleum, Environment; Companies Basic and mines; Defence and with the same miners, members of the Standing Committee on Energy and Mines of the NA, at its regular meeting, discussed the recommendations that provides the final report. Among the weight of this palnteamientos shaping a table inter will make tracking the problem is happening in the mining sector, specifically in Bolivar State.

Around this unanimous decision, the chairman of the parliamentary body, deputy Angel Rodriguez (Anzoategui), said that the problems existing in this sector "have an impact in terms of economic, environmental and security of State, especially in smuggling that is generated with gold and diamond, "he said.

Descoordinación government

The deputy Rodriguez made it clear that the problem affects not just mining and moved to this motion but that "affects a major geopolitical space in the country that represents 60% of the territory." Some of the conclusions reached by this legislative space-after realizing significant encounters with spokesmen that make up this industry-"we note that there is a lack of coordination among relevant ministries to the area, and this attack does not allow a situation as delicate as the mining, "he said Assemblyman.

The result of investigations conducted by the parliamentary members of this committee, are focused on immediate action to eradicate the problem passing the south, according to the deputy Rodriguez trapped in their large area to economic, political and territorial. Also realized "that water at this point-of-territory is contaminated with the supplies they used to extract gold, also the smuggling of fuel, the transit of foreign persons and paramilitaries in the area," he said. While reiterating that this dilemma affects the security and defence of the country.

These proposals discussed the Members of the Standing Committee on Energy and Mines in conjunction with entities from the States. The results translated into a report that raised to the directive of the National Parliament, thereby completing the task of the legislative body that is the delivery of final recommendations to the National Executive.

Aug 14, 2008 04:35PM
Aug 14, 2008 04:47PM
Aug 14, 2008 05:04PM
Aug 14, 2008 05:18PM

Aug 14, 2008 05:42PM
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