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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: Share Buyback?, Re: Price fixing
Nov 24, 2008 08:26AM

Nov 24, 2008 08:45AM
Nov 24, 2008 08:49AM

Nov 24, 2008 08:51AM

Nov 24, 2008 08:51AM
Nov 24, 2008 08:58AM

jc, i dont have access to kry mngt's "high level daily encouraging communication" so i may be off base.......but.....

if they actually believe there is hope of a permit then yes, a share buyback could make a lot of sense at this level...no, i dont believe they are/will do it...

if they dont believe there is hope for a permit then they need to consolidate/cut everything to bare bones....

if they honestly dont know by now..then why do we continue to let ven keep us in the dark.....ven said if there was no reply within 90 days then consider it a "no".......

it is my sincere hope that kry mngt actually has a handle on what is going on in ven...that there is some "hidden agenda" between hugo and kry....that the next phase is just waiting on some "unknown event" that has already been pre-determined.............but i dont think so...

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