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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: Encouraging Rumors..still nothing however...clarity still required..

Plan B is more likely to be expropriation and breaking contracts and it may come soon.

If they intend going that route, why go through the charade of a RML offer. Why not come out with a written agenda instead of mouthing ambiguous statements calculated to cause misinterpretation by the press with the hope of instigating a shareholder stampede to sell out at any price.

GRZ and hopefully KRY will have to decide which is better for shareholders - capitulation for a poor payout now or a long legal battle with potentially high reward but also a strong possibility they will never collect.

If Chavez and Sanz are savvy operators, they are aware that a buyout offer must be above what RML is capable of but can be far below what shareholders consider to be fair value. However they need access to capital markets to make that better offer.

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