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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: Using Logic /Does KRY lacks the guts to file for Arbitration on May 28th?
Feb 19, 2009 04:44AM
Feb 19, 2009 06:48AM

Re: Using Logic /Does KRY lacks the guts to file for Arbitration on May 28th?

posted on Feb 19, 2009 10:57AM

Do you think the Management of KRY lacks the "guts" to file for Arbitration on the 28th, or do you think that KRY Management will just continue with their "high level talks" (which are secret), ad infinitum?

I suggest that, failing a settlement or Permit Issuance, it's time for clear action - Arbitration!

KRY can always terminate Arbitration proceedings if the Permit is issued, and without any strings attached.

If you agree, I hope you will notify Management that we want acknowlegement of their firm intention to file for Arbitration on May 28th if no Permit or Settlement has been reached - no more delays. Time to play Hardball!

I fervently hope that this "issue" is resolved BEFORE the Annual General Meeting which is usually held in late May.(Thursday,May 28th or Friday, May29th would be just great!)


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