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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Today's Market

On a note about GW and using the term GFY. I took that is meaning Good For You.

JC...that's exactly what I meant.

One thought I had...obviously financing is key to Fung's (and arguably the bondholder's) survival plan right now. I understand those who feel that if Fung remains true to form, it could be late summer\fall before we get news on financing. I'm thinking that the de-listing news and associated accelerated decay in share value might ignite more of a sense of urgency to quickly come to an agreement with bondholders (if humanly possible) in order to support our shareprice. Wouldn't a higher\stabilized shareprice enhance that part of the financing that involves the dilutive issuance of new shares? It also couldn't hurt our appeal to have the SEC de-listing decision nullified. I would think that if ever there was a time to plug a hole in a sinking ship....now is the time.

Perhaps someone with a background in these things can provide a best case accelerated time schedule for restructing the debt with the bondholders, presuming that bondholders and management are on the same page in this regard.

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