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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Latest Ernst & Young - 29th Report of Monitor, Nov. 25, 2018

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on a Citgo sale. But perhaps we will get to see who is right as it is more likely that VZ reneges on the settlement so Crystallex has to follow through and/or others looking for settlement from VZ will pursue a sale. 10 years is my guess. Right now the threat of a sale is helping us.

It seems Gowling have given up - not sure what this means for the opt-in committee. Where is the next white knight coming from who will take up a criminal code complaint and when? I suspect there are lawyers who will do this for a fee, but most wouldn't. Maybe the opt-ins could have a whip-round and see if they can pay for this? I'm sure you appreciate that all Hainey did was say it was premature to consider it - he said nothing about the merits.

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