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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Latest Ernst & Young - 29th Report of Monitor, Nov. 25, 2018

Paau, you said" Selling the "mining data" idea seems to come up when clutching at straws. Even $200m doesn't get us to "a minimum of $1". I do give you credit for at least trying to justify your $1 claims. Maybe Crystallex has something of value to GRZ but I suspect it is more of comedic rather than monetary value."

What a load of $rap.

From the Financial Post August 8, 2016 "The socialist government will also buy Gold Reserve’s technical mining data for US$240 million"

I was incorrect in remembering how much they paid. It wasn't $150 million, it was $240 million. Crystallex's data will be worth more as it is more complete. Remember they were prepared to start mining. Even if they only get the same as GRZ that works out to around .66 a share. Add in what ever amount you want to as the shareholders % of the award and tell me again why a $1.00 starting point is so far off.

You tried to tell us ten cents when ever without the award we are worth 66 cents. Keep pushing Tenors agenda of trying to make us think anything they give is acceptable. We both know the value of the shares are worth over a $1.00 only I have no agenda to say otherwise.

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