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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Latest Ernst & Young - 29th Report of Monitor, Nov. 25, 2018

JJ: "you know full well Tenor has no claim to the data or its value."

Wait a minute, are you talking about me? Tenor and I (and the court) believe Tenor has claim to over 88% of Crystallex assets once all debts etc. are paid. Everything - data, coffee machine, staples, everything.

Explain why you think Tenor doesn't have 88% ownership (given what we currently know).

JJ: "wouldn't tell the monitor and court the mining data has no value to benefit themselves"

So let me understand this latest conspiracy theory. Tenor and Fung have hidden the mining technical data from the monitor, is that right? Or is the monitor in on it? Surely that is more likely, it's not as if a bankruptcy monitor would miss technical data as an asset in a mining company, right? I suppose the monitor didn't notice GRZ selling their data, or didn't make the connection to Crystallex. And you think they would defraud the court, risking upto 10 years in jail, over 9% of $300m when they are already making over $1 billion?

JJ: "we both know they won't for various reasons don't we Paau."

NO!!! We both don't know this. I don't know this. Is this another conspiracy theory or just a repeat of the one above?

JJ do you really believe the stuff you write, because no one else should.

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