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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Third Circut Court of Appeals Grants Venezuela Motion to Intervene
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

 ORDER (AMBRO, GREENAWAY, JR. and SCIRICA, Circuit Judges) We grant the Republic of Venezuela's

motion to intervene. Its stay motion shall be considered at oral argument. The Republic of Venezuela may file

a brief no later than 04/03/2019, at 4:00 pm. Crystallex may file a response brief no later than 04/10/2019, at

4:00 pm. We grant the Bondholders' motion to participate in oral argument. Oral argument will be listed for

Monday, April 15, at 1:00 pm, filed. AMBRO, Authoring Judge. 18-2797 18-3124(JK)

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