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Message: Jackson Buys 8 Electric Buses For Transit System, But None Are Working

Besides the fact Proterra went bk, the real interesting info is exactly as Raj mentioned in the Water Tower clip. Bad battery performance that loses a lot of capacity in cold. Or, not enough capacity to even start out with. At least these folks didn't get to use them long enough for a fire too.

Hard to believe Proterra put a bus into operation that was this bad in cold. This is pathetic.

""" When the START electric buses did run, they also suffered from degradation of performance during the winter months, something that plagues electric vehicles of all types. 

Abel said that during the summer months, the buses would go all day without needing a charge. When the temperatures dropped, the batteries would lose considerable range. Not only does it not provide as much power, the bus has to be heated, which places further demands on the battery. 

So, the electric buses had to return to the depot at midday to recharge. They were replaced by another electric bus, when one was available, or the diesel-powered buses.

“So, there is a difference in performance between cold weather and warm weather,” Abel said. """


As Raj explained, there now is a bus market ELVA can show up and customers will start to understand the difference between Proterra and others vs an ELVA battery quality and capacity. This helps tremendously with the sales process and justifying the price. A few years ago there weren't many buses out there so customers had no understanding of the difference in products. Now as they burn, explode and die, ELVA can hopefully capitalize on the situation. 


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