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The Company is focused on the discovery and development of large polymetallic porphyry copper deposits in North America - an area that host numerous world class polymetallic porphyry copper deposits.

Message: Copper Fox will continue after Schaft Creek sale - BXX impact?

One other thing to consider is that (as per a telephone conversation I had with Elmer) most of the Copper Fox Management team have also invested their personal money with BXX.

I believe in CUU management, and I believe in Elmer specifically. If Elmer's CUU management team believes in BXX enough to invest their money with BXX... well that's good enough for me. Okay, it's not really "good enough," but it's a figure of speech. Everyone should still do their own due dilligence. I just consider the management's willing investments as another positive indicator.

BXX just closed a PP near HALF of what they were trying to raise. BXX has much tighter cash flow than CUU does, so definitely do not invest with blind faith. At the end of the day, they are not the same company. While a case could be made for some merger of the two... that has never been hinted by anyone as a possibility.


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