Falcon is a global energy company with projects in Hungary, Australia & South Africa

Developing large acreage positions of unconventional and conventional oil and gas resources

Message: Interesting(part 2)

Interesting(part 2)

posted on Feb 11, 2010 06:27AM

On February, 11th, 2010 10:53
Cooperation at "Surgutneftegaz" and MOL it has not turned out. The Hungarian oil and gas company MOL has suggested "Surgutneftegaz" to redeem at it of 0,21 and 0,22 percent of the actions. Last spring "Surgut" has bought them at Austrian OMV for billion four hundred millions euro. The general director of "Surgutneftegaz" Vladimir Bogdanov counted that the transaction becomes "a serious basis to start long-term mutually advantageous cooperation".

Hopes have not come true. Already unexpected purchase of actions by the Russian company in Hungary have considered as unfriendly and suspicious step: management MOL has started to resist in every possible way to the new shareholder, and officials have started talking about attempt of Russia to get access to a gas pipe. After all the most valuable active MOL - the Hungarian gas-transport system. As write "Sheets", cooperation in any case it has not turned out. MOL demands, that "Surgutneftegaz" has opened бенефициаров is is provided by the Hungarian legislation. But "Surgut" does not do it even in Russia.

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