Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: Question on "The issues"

Duff, good points. 

Timelines are important to me, even though they may be missed. What counts is how much they are missed by. 

I wont invest in a company that may become a world class silicon producer in Q1 of 2050, even if its proudly prochaimed in a power point presentation. I think the readers here understand the exageration I am making on the year 2050.

If someone tells me the Gen 3 pilot plant will begin construction in 2018, that to me is too vague of a timeline. I like to live by the motto 'What gets measured, gets done' 

I see a Gantt chart that is sitting on HPQ's company website that was last updated in Sept of 2017, that indicates that construction of a fully functioning Gen 3 Pilot plant capable of delivering 200 MT per year of silicon metal, started in the third week of March and is expected to be completed at the end of the second week of November. Since then, we have only heard great things about a Gen 2 micro plant, and very little about the Gen 3. I have copies of prevous power point presentations, detailing that the pilot plant was the 200 MT a year plant, not the scale model. Additionally, direct questioning by George regarding timing for Gen 2 to Gen 3 were vaguely answered in the latest interview, and this is what Im looking for clarification on. Has the Gen 2 replaced the original Gen 3 Pilot plant that we (HPQ) bought and paid for from Pyrogenesis in the Gantt timelines?

Additionally, I see Hot commissioning of aformentioned 200 MT/Yr Pilot Plant scheduled for Q1 of 2018 and Phase 4: Testing and Operating Pilot Plant schedule from Q2 2018. Im concerned that if the project is 'Pushed' - these phases, which I consider critical, will also be pushed and if so, to when?

As usual, I ask these questions with all due respect and hold, what I consider, a large amount of shares that were purchased with the original information released by HPQ that stated a 200 MT /Yr Pilot plant would be purchased from Pyrogenisis and up and running for testing and by Q2 of 2018.

Im simply trying to ascertain if the landscape has changes




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