Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: Re: Apollon Contract

Dear Geauxtigers, 

If I understand correctly your questions/comments, the fact that the share price has not appreciated instantly after the Apollon news implies that the market places no value on the agreement, and that would be because the financial terms of the agreement are confidential! 

Anyway for the sake of discussions, I have taken your argument/model, (were disclosing financial term of a partnership has a positive impact on share price) and then Backtested it’s relevance in September 2015, when we announced for the first time our deal with Pyrogenesis, deal were the financial terms were disclosed, to see if your argument is proven by fact. 

Unfortunately, what one notices when looking at the data is the fact after the deal with PyroGenesis was disclosed, the shares prices actually declined by as much as 50% over the next 3 months period....

In actual fact, the shares started to move higher a good 4 to 5 months after, and that was only when tangible results from the deal started to become evident.

So maybe your judgement is a bit premature….

Now to reiterate the reasons why we did the deal with Apollon: 

·     It gives us now third-party validation that our Purevap process is a game changer (PS, that one of the big beef of the Basher member of the suicide crew (Napoleon, Stocky, (101 and 102) Saint and others)), and yet they are also bashing this like you… 

·     It will allow us to validate earlier than originally planned that we can produce high-efficiency solar cell for cheaper with the SoG Si produce with the Purevap… 

While I would have invested the additional  $77,000 in HPQ anyway in December, knowing that we now have the dream technical team working with us on the project make me even more confident about the future. 

In conclusion and to paraphrase you:  

For the life of me, I don't understand why anyone would bother to invest in a Company involved in developing a new groundbreaking process (AKA: doing R&D) and then judged their success only base on short-term share movements.  

Also, I don't understand why anyone would be bashing a stock they own on a public forum, maybe it because they have ulterior motives…


Bernard Tourillon




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