Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: To Agoracom: Question to ask Bernard

Hi Ron,

Please find highlighted in yellow my answers.


Bernard Tourillon


I found this company while doing my DD on HPQ…

In addition to having access to confidential and paid for marketing data, like most of you, I also use Google to do research.  So, I am aware of this company and this project.  In fact, in the last presentation, on page 13, I have a quote from the founder…

if I have read it correctly, they seem to be working on the same products...

While the end product may be similar, the feedstock they are planning on using is different (recycled solar panels).  For technical reasons, I have my doubt about the commercial viability of such a process.  Time will tell.

To be honest, I find that having more people actively talking about silicon materials for batteries is positive for HPQ.

in the next interview, could you ask him if this is a serious competitor?

Depends, if their focus is on only producing the silicon materials, then yes, they could be a competitor, but if they are inclined to go further down the production line all the way to making anodes, then they could also be potential clients.

in the last one he was stating that others are years behind HPQ in research, is this also the case for this company?

They are very secretive about their process to make the silicon material for batteries, but from what I have been able to understand, yes, we are still way ahead…




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