Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: WOW, Fud agents are working overtime...

We announced on May 26, 2022, that the QRR Commissioning commissioning phase of the program has been completed and that the PUREVAPTM Quartz Reduction Reactor (QRR) pilot plant is now functional...


This was a massive milestone reached after many years of struggles, delays and FUD agents claiming that it would never happen ... So a bit of sell-on-the-news actions is not unexpected, especially in such a tough market for non-revenue innovation-driven companies like HPQ. (Just need to compare HPQ long term trend versus those of the Ark innovation funds to get an idea of the underlying market realities)


And yet here we are, about 7 working days after that news, and you already have FUD agent playing nervous nellies making a big sting on social media about my silence during the last 7 days, as it means something...


That argument makes light of the fact that PyroGenesis is HPQ's technical partner, that they are the one running the ongoing PUREVAPTM QRR program, and that they have once again made a substantial Investissement in HPQ at a significant premium to the market... TALK ABOUT BELIEVING IN THE PROJECT!


HPQ history has demonstrated that those that betted against HPQ in 2018 when PYR invested at $0.12 when the market was $0.08, those that betted against HPQ in 202O when PYR invested at $0.60 when the market was $0.50, all lost their's bets, so I am very confident that those that are betting now against HPQ will once again be proven wrong and lose their bets once again... 


To conclude this section of my blog, let me repeat something that I have said many times over and over, no news does not mean bad news, it simply means that we have noting material to report at the present. (PS: Bad news is material, so if there was, I would have to report it on the spot).


In another blog, I will cover the silliness of the FUD comments about the duration of the program...




Bernard Tourillon CEO 



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