Developing Processes For The Low-Cost Manufacturing Of High Purity Silicon Metals For Next-Generation Lithium-ion Batteries

Achieved final critical milestones, completing a successful silicon pour

Message: Solargrade Si: 4N or 6N?

Solar SI is usually 6N but Apollon Solar did work on using lower grade metallurgical silicon (2N). We learned last week that the 3 engineers from Novacium used to work for Apollon Solar and they are now partners with HPQ.

Also, Purevap was proven to be able to produce 4N, but since battery anodes only need 3N to 4N silicon, HPQ decided that, for now, they would spend their money and efforts to grab these low hanging fruits, and will work on pushing further on Purevap’s silicon purity later on.

Looking at HPQ’s corporate presentation, you can see that although they mention “Developing high value applications usage for HPQ Silicon and Nano Silicon (Porous Silicon, Silicon for Hydrogen, and others”, working on solar grade silicon is not specifically mentioned on the company’s near term business plan. This said, Bernard could do a press release anytime to inform us otherwise.


Hope this help.

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