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The company is exploring for nickel deposits on its Langmuir property near Timmins, Ontario; for nickel-gold-copper on its Cleaver and Douglas properties; and for molybdenum and rare earth elements at recently acquired Desrosiers property.

Message: Re: News from the Shaw Dome neighborhood (Melkior)

Well well well. I guess it takes some shareholder dissent to call back the wolves. As far as my 100km of drilling estimate goes, the 78,000m was drilled up to Sept 30 of 2008. Since company documents describe many more holes were drilled since and continue to do so, and ISM being one of the few companies drilling and acquiring in the area, the 100,000 m of drill is probably within sight.

Just wondering what will come first the 43-101 or the financing. Lets see the 43-101 would be nice to have but the company will probably continue with or without. However the LONG OVERDUE financing is imperative for someone to even exist going forward. Since that was promised last fall, that short-term financing was required to see to the end of the year. Makes you wonder if any year end results will even be issued, since the CFO quit. Makes one wonder how that company even keeps the lights on.

Instead of requesting information from a company that you have no interest in, how about an update from your own? You may want to check with their IR dept - ooops it doesn't exist.

Actually Tony, you have something there. Their over due financing promise goes hand in hand with the "full" production promises that never materialized.

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