Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: Toronto Star...Google The Ring of Fire

I`m cheering with you guys,but as i`ve stated before,that`s only ONE little problem.There are people living down south that think the world ends at Barrie, and that everything north of Barrie should be left untouched.And there are a LOT of voters down there.Politicians listen when it`s their own rear ends on the line

If you Google The Star,you`ll see the Woodland Caribou problem.And it won`t be the natives that`ll cause you as much problem with the deer as the southerners, who don`t realize the world depends on China for 95% of the Rare Earth Mineral(REM),and that those same southerners,along with the rest of the world, are now more dependent on REM in their every day life then they are for oil.

You may also quite possibly notice that, unfortunately,the largest "news"paper in the country does NOT give a ringing endorsement towards the development of our own source of REM,or anything else concerning the Ring of Fire mineral deposit.

Perhaps i`ve misinterpreted The Star articles,but i don`t recall seeing a whole lot of "let`s go get it" attitude.

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