Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: A message worth noting from STH in response to lack of patience

RE:KWG investors should be worried about our PPS, NOT CLIFFS!

Hey Etalien, I want to share with you some thoughts that actually are part of my personal philosophy. With WG we are engrossed in a multi-layered and multi-phased process, that will lead to a positive outcome; the odds have been getting better and better based on news, that has been driven by many strategically visionary decisions by KWG management. Let me ask you...when you take off with your car on a trip with a specific destination in mind do you take a ninety degree turn anywhere because the trip is taking longer than you had anticipated, or you have had to cope with unexpected adversity/weather along the way. This journey with KWG is very much like that...the destination is looking more and more promising in spite of the bumpy road and or ambient conditions. What makes you think that your suggestion for a change would actually lead us to our destination faster or even a comparable / better destination. Just remember that the first thing to be compromised when patience leaves us, is our faith in the destination. Our rational thoughts start to be compromised and we start to fanaticise about an easier and possibly a less costly way of getting to our destination. Don't give in! I truly believe that we would not even be here to witness these incredible possibilities if it weren't for the incredibly adept and insightful moves that Frank executed in a very timely fashion. The reason Clf is no longer in the game, is exactly because Frank made the right decision at the right time, and sometimes in advance. Hang in there, this will be good for all KWG investors in spite of the fact that it has taken much longer than we anticipated...remember that it is taking longer than Frank anticipated also...since it was reported that he was looking forward to retiring in the fall of last year. If you feel that a change is required, then maybe it is more information and transparency that you need. Why don't you request that from the company...who knows what you might might quell your impatience and reignite your confidence in our destination. Good luck to you and all KWG longs, Pear 3


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