Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: SCARY!!!!

Yes it is. However, there are options ( Not saying I like them all ).

Issue 110,000,000 shares to FNC in lieu of money.

Hook up with PRB, they are sitting on a tuckload of cash with nothing to do.

Get bought out buy someone before Sept 30th.

FNC delays payment for a later date

Is there something else i've forgotten?

From stockhouse, doggy123 stated "Why would a complete board of insiders exercised 20 million options at 5 cent and stock trade at 1.5 cent???"


First off, they don't appear to be exercised, they were just GRANTED options. If they were exercised, that would be sending a message for sure.

Correct me if I'm wrong please.


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