Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: The Burning Question In Canada’s Infrastructure

Quote: "The last century saw us develop the Trans-Canada highway, and the national railways, and the St. Lawrence seaways. Today we have state-of-theart technologies, world-class standards and great resource opportunities in so many regions across our country. We just need a vision to go along with those opportunities to allow them to succeed and flourish."

I could not agree more!

Unfortunately, this is NOW. None of the above could happen in today's world of overdone Environment Protection, Tree Huggers, "Sacred" grounds, Native welfare instead of work. The Federal Government has to spend billions on these issues and accomplishes nothing. Our Provincial Government has spent us into a "Have Not" province with mismanagement and corruption, wasting billions. Instead of a vision to invest in infrastructure and power plants our government invested in elections of MPP's. Instead of Hydro Power we have (Liberal) Government Power. We now have the highest Electricity Rates compared to Manitoba and Quebec, and the rates are still increasing.

Excuse the rant.

I am still rooting for KWG!

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