Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Here we go again....

you all make me laugh


sell your shares, i will buy them


what is NOT going to do , if they buy out kwg? (which i hardly doubt, and am hoping its the other way around, possibly at a discount to what they got it from cliffs)


so alot of whining about what KWG has not done

so....what has NOT done lately, alot of what kwg used to do, talk alot , produce nothing


well good ol NOT been talking alot, and the ol provincial liberals talked alot, even to the tune of a road being built(remember that), then one of four cities in northern ontario for a smelter, then down to two, and that got shelved, anythilng else you all can add, please do, you all know there is alot more


NOTHING and i mean NOTHING is going to happen until the first nations, indiginous, or whatever you or they want to be called gives their final OK


silence is deadly in the ring of fire, 

KWG silent

FN silent

NOT , talking to anyone who will listen


dont blame frank, blame the people trying to squeeze him and kwg out, so they can take all the profit

for frank and kwg to last this long against big money, government, and all the others involved , and is still around, and making the other company NOT look the same as KWG with no movement, no news, alot of could be, should be, would be, but its NOT

think about it before you sell your shares to me, if they are lasting this long, and staying quiet

what are they waiting for?


nuff said

quit your whining  and  sell your shares


unless of course you work for NOT or RCF and have alterior motives





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