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Message: Gold Prices During a Hyperinflation

Gold Prices During a Hyperinflation

posted on Sep 09, 2008 06:08PM

I have recently finished reading Turroni's The Economics of Inflation - A Study of Currency Depreciation in Post War Germany, after hearing it recommended on Financial Sense. It is an amazing study, truly not a light read or for those who don't enjoy numbers.

I came away from this book with several beliefs solidified:

a) We are truly repeating the mistakes that led Germany to hyperinflation.

b) Inflation hurts those most who understand it the least. Most people do not understand it, and are wiped out.

c) Those with disposable income and an understanding of what is happening before things get really bad, not only have an opportunity to protect themselves, but can profit from it.

I can get into more details about the book later if anyone is interested, but I wanted to share with you all what I found about the price of gold as measured in the German currency during the 10 years leading up to the hyperinflation.

I did this mostly for myself, because I love studying history and believe we can learn a lot from it, but hopefully this will help to calm some people down and put the current correction in a better light...



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