Ni, Co, Cu, PGM, Au Properties in Ontario Canada

Producing Mines and "state-of-the-art" Mill

Message: Re: ...Wow, A Loaded Question
Feb 11, 2009 05:01PM
Feb 13, 2009 12:44PM
Feb 14, 2009 08:39AM
Feb 14, 2009 10:58AM

Feb 14, 2009 08:34PM
Feb 14, 2009 10:49PM

I know all the negative scenarios. We are living with the result. We have seen our share go down to $0.025 cents and then back up to $0.12. Some of those buyers and sellers have made money. Long term holders I suspect just want to recover some of what is lost. We look around and who knows what the end result will be. We can only do what we ourselves think are the best choice and just try to survive. The future does not look bright but that is something we can only decide to do to best suit ourselves. We give ourselves a place here where we can vent. We can express our frustrations and fears because I think most of us can appreciate well what we all feel. We all meet our walls, we see the pieces, sometimes we are lucky and others help us - I take each little piece because the big picture looks quite ugly out there. There are little pieces that give us hope. Even Liberty has some of those.

Feb 15, 2009 08:55PM
Feb 18, 2009 09:37AM
Feb 18, 2009 07:17PM

Feb 19, 2009 12:51PM
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