Message: 2021 coming to a close.

Okiedo-Yes, Jan. and Feb. are certainly deeper into winter historically but with these very high winds, snow and cold temps we are currently experiencing it's a terrible time to be in a tent. LOL!

Surprisingly, last night my niece and boyfriend were discussing 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartment options in Reno area and her need to move within the next 3 weeks. They are telling me it's only costing her $200 per room and there are currently plenty of nice options. I find that hard to believe but that's what they are saying especially Northwest side-go figure.

I'm going on 45 years in the area (Douglas County) now. I bought my first home off Kings Row (Gellert dr.). Bought around 1990 for $86k sold 10 years later for $329k as I recall. This was just before the crash where real estate in Reno area lost 50% value in preceding year. I saw that coming just as I see it coming now. I'm listing my last Tahoe investment property right after the close of the current property scheduled to close in 2 weeks. I feel like I'm holding my breath hoping we get another 6 months. Not that I agree with this "Build Back Better" bill but the passing will help kick the can down the road hopefully long enough to get this final property sold. 

I realize all this is not really on topic here and a bit personal but maybe my insight/experience might influence other investors here in some helpful way. I have a great appreciation for others here and am very impressed with the time others put into this and their willingness to share their knowledge and ideas.

If others will allow me a bit more air time to express my gratitude as we closing out 2021... It's rare to find social media sites with mostly if not all respectful people as we are here. We all worked hard to have extra money to invest, we take large risks and I sure hope we have continued success with LAC. 

Have a great new year! Go LAC 2022!

Dec 26, 2021 05:03PM

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