Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Turley on WallSt

Turley on WallSt

posted on Oct 25, 2007 02:40PM

I'm very surprised nobody has even mentioned the weirdness in Jim's pitch.

About one minute in, he says something like "back in the '90s, we were developing this new chip and out of that came these patents". WTF? When did Patriot develop this patented tech? (never - they bought it years after the original patent application). What chip is he talking about, the ShBoom? (which did NOT incorporate MMP technology, at least not the '336). No credit to Fish/Moore? No acknowledgment of the existence of TPL?

While I believe Turley is the right man for the job based on contacts and credentials, this kind on crap really bugs me. This and the "300 plus have been put on notice". The number was 485 were put on notice - more than 50% more!

Of course nobody mentioned it. You folks asleep, or thinking too hard about a RS or the lack of a business plan?

Business plan. He told you what it was. Like it or lump it. I like it, myself. Why start playing till you KNOW what toys are available to play with? It's obvious this is their intent - wait till we KNOW the outcome in Texas - knowledge that may come in a matter of weeks/days (see "Where We're At"). Assuming things go well, begin DD on the short list in earnest (such DD can be expensive, and the more you spend the more secure you'll feel in the ultimate decision).

As I posted yesterday, TX is more or less do or die. PTSC, BUY BACK SHARES with verve, now! If there is going to be a wave to ride, ride it for crying out loud!

More outlandish posts coming.


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