Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: This is a real buying opportunity.


You must be fairly to the board.  Welcome. 

 I must say, I like the way you think.  I think you are right on the money (so to speak :-), but, like every other long on this board, I'm sooooo tired of waiting.

Remember the song .... "So tired, tired of waiting ... tired of waiting for yoooouuuuu" ?   I don't want this to be the on-going Patriot song.

I am still rejoicing that an agreement was FINALLY attained  but, I'm so disappointed that yesterdays firecracker ended in a fizzle. 

My emotions are up ... down ... up .... down .... WHEN WILL IT END!!!!!!    LOL 

Still keeping the faith ......  :-)


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