Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: What I Find Amazing....

Re: What I Find Amazing....Head Hogwash

posted on Feb 07, 2008 09:30AM

How do you know these are three popcorn sighnings? Nobody here knows what the company got from these three sighnings. This is total BS speculastion at best! How do you know the MArkman was the biggest event in this companies history? Nobody knows what the company got. This is total BS speculation at best! How do you know the BOD has no credibility? This is total BS speculation at best! You know BS because you spew most of it on this board, Head. This is the same kind of rubbish that's been spewed on this forum for quite some time and has managed to keep new investors at bay and aided in the deteoration of the SP. How do you like it.

All the best,


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