Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Plurality Voting ...milestone
May 04, 2008 05:26PM

Re: Plurality Voting ...milestone

posted on May 05, 2008 06:45AM

We would never have more candidates than there are seats open on the BOD.

The BOD determines if they want to add to the BOD and is the one who actually nominates those for election. There is a minimum and a maximum of BOD members written into the company bylaws and it is usually stated so on the proxy every year.

We could write a shareholder proposal for the proxy every year and the BOD could deem not to include it on the ballot. We could nominate Warren Buffett every year and they could deem not to accept his nomination or even open a seat for voting.

We could vote 50 million shares/votes against a particular BOD member and as long as that member had one vote for their re-election they are in. Although I have seen other company's BOD members get quite a few negative votes for re-election....and although they were techincally re-elected, they have resigned due to the large number of votes against them representing a lack of confidence in their decision making ability.

So unless there were thousands of dollars spent by indivduals to file for a proxy challenge to replace all the BOD members...and all the notifications, SEC filings and accumulating a list of all the shareholders to notify them of your intentions of this proxy battle to replace the BOD in its entireity, then it's a waste of time and money.

But, IMO though, if indivdiduals would like to write proposals by June 1st to be considered by the BOD for inclusion in the next proxy ballot, by all means do so. Just remember they can toss every well intentioned shareholder proposal in the garbage can if they care to do so.

There is certainly nothing lost in trying to do something in that manner.

Likewise, I also believe we can show our displeasure before the proxy vote and on the day of the proxy, by notifying the CEO/BOD by email of our intentions to vote negatively when the proxy vote is taken in OCT. Let them know now and when the proxy vote is taken.


May 05, 2008 07:48AM

May 05, 2008 08:16AM
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