Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Plurality Voting ..emtnest ,and who has control to make that change...
May 04, 2008 05:26PM
May 05, 2008 07:48AM

The SEC and FED Gov. have discussed the change from plurality to majority votng for years now. Those involved in protecting the rights of the common shareholder have been begging for it for decades....IMO the chances of that happening are slim and none.

Those with power...AKA votes/shares... will do their best to keep themselves in power.

IMO the only way yhe change would occur is for the BOD itself to have a proxy porposal top change the bylaws to incloude majority voting.....that will never happen...or someone from the SEC stepping in and forcing that kind of change. Unfortunately the SEC does not have the kind of power to FORCE that serious a change...we could send in a shareholder proposal to be inlcuded in tghe proxy to make that kind of change openf opr shareholder approval. now since the BOD controls al pshareholder proposals thats is non-event IMO also.

If you want chnage you need a good group of qualified individuals with a TON of SHARES/VOTES behind themand a LOT OF $$$$$...file the proper SEC form to announce a proxy fight to replace the BOD and contact each and every shareholder and inform them of such a vote, make sure everyone votes and doesn't just ignore the proxy ballot and hope to goodness you have 50.00000000001% of the vote on your side.

Meanwhile while you are announcing al of this and going through all the motiosn required the current BOD could institute anyt changes to the company they want to, while they have a majority of the voting power and by the time yopu even got to the point of the voting we could be merged with TPL, RS'ed ..etc. etc. etc.(usually all of which require a shareholder vote too).

Bottomline , those on the BOD with the current bylaws in place control the situation....period. JMHO

May 05, 2008 08:16AM
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