Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: And PTSC wonders why some of us question TPL & Auditing of PDS Expenses

TPL wouldn't answer my question regarding Moore's employment the first time I called, back in the Spring. The notion that Moore's debacle isn't relevant to PTSC is incredibily naive. They refuse to take their former employees names off the TPL website! GreenArrays has to issue a PR just to clarify their relationship with TPL, come on. Let's see, two former "friends" and partners are accusing one another of misappropriation of funds and we are supposed to just sit back and take Patriot's word that our auditing functions are sufficient. So based on the fact that NO ONE can actually see what expenses TPL charges to PDS, we should just take their word for it? PTSC certainly hasn't done anything wrong in regards to their SEC requirements. All they do is report the facts, the problem is a large percentage of those "facts" are held in secret by a private company. When Chuck Moore made the revelation that Leckrone was shopping TPL, that really brought it home for me. This ship has so many holes in it, they don't make enough putty to stop the leaks. We are well past the primary issue being the USPTO, IMO. We are at $.138 for a reason and most all of it has to do with poor performance and lack of clarity.

The other day I said this company reminds me of a term I've heard used in the investment banking community "zombie company" but, I really don't think that's true anymore. It really doesn't matter how much capital these guys have, they literally wouldn't know what to do with it. They would have been better off opening several Texas Roadhouse's or Chick-Fil-A franchises and I'm not kidding. This whole thing stinks from within, IMO. We loaned TPL $950,000......Wow, doesn't that bother the hell out of anyone? And trust me, I don't care about the 10% interest rate. For all we know that may be a minute return versus the "audited" charges against PDS. I've read several articles about Chuck Moore through the years. Not one of them ever called his character into question, quite the opposite. Can anyone really say that about the owners of TPL?

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