NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: The Bulls are Back in charge

The Bulls are Back in charge

posted on May 01, 2008 06:34PM

The share action sure looks like the bulls are back in charge. Congrats to all who held through the last few weeks. I suspect many added to their positions. Sadly, I fear many sold some or all of their positions as well. Tis the way of the market.

If your like me, last Friday and the days leading up to it did not feel good. Make a note to yourself how you felt last Friday while watching NOT... if you felt sick, like selling, like you made the wrong choice in investing in NOT, remember that feeling. The next time you feel like that with any of your investments.... if the story is still intact, buy more shares. Teach yourself to do this.

I am sorry to repeat this for those that get it... I have alluded to this feeling/emotion in previous posts. It bares repeating.... when you feel the lowest is usually the absolute best time to buy. Conversely, next time you think you are conducting things and whatever you throw off turns to gold, it's likely time for the world and/or the stock market to tune you in with a reality check. The market giveth, and the market taketh away.

There is nothing wrong with humility when you are right or wrong.

As for the news.... who knows, the good thing is, we know there should be plenty of news.

When my friend talked to RN last Friday, RN told him the two drills were not on Eagle 1 or Eagle 2... they were targeting other anomolies... and RN mentioned the third rig was down for a week to give the drillers a rest during breakup as they had been drilling 24/7.

I don't know where this piece of news fits into the puzzle regarding targeting other anomlies, given we have heard from some the drills haven't moved in quite awhile. I hold my friend and his integrity in highest regard.

If we are targeting other anomolies then Eagle 1 or 2, perhaps there would be some interesting news to come. To me the logical next piece of news is assay results, given how long we have waited.

The way the stock moved today, we could get a halt soon, nice to see the volume. It also could be some technical buying or bargain hunting.... Should we get a halt, I am hoping it comes early in the week, given Friday halts are usually reserved for bad news that people will forget over the weekend....

Here's hoping for the "red halt dot" on my Thompson one is in front of NOT on Monday or Tuesday. I love seeing the "red dot" in front of the NOT. For those looking to add or buy, perhaps the sand is moving a little more quickly through the hour glass.

not financial advise, do your own DD



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