NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: GeoProf

I do respect your posts. You are a great contributor.

I have made some good money in the Canadian junior resource sector, mostly in the last year and some. More money than I could have made keeping the money in a mutual fund for the next 20 years. This is one thing that floors me when I think about it. I have a locked in RSP in an CDN. equity fund that has seen in increase of about 40% over the last ten years. That is about 4% a year and barely enough to keep up with Alberta inflation during that time.

The last time I checked, my pension plan I am forced to pay into averaged 3% last year and 4% the year before. If I could have invested that money in Noront when I wanted to last August I would be retired today. While NOT netted 700% for me last year and 300% the year before, I mostly did well with other stocks after crashes when shares are dumped and undervalued.

This year I have made less than 25 trades as I have learned to be more patient in this bad market. Making two cents on a six to eight cent stock is still 25 - 33% and there have been many of those in recent weeks. GRW (.07 to .185 now .08) and THV (.07 to .14) are two examples of recent double stocks where I made 25% to 33%. I left some money on the table but discipline is discipline. Disclaimer: I am not promoting GRW or THV and do not currently own either. They are used as recent investing examples.

There are a couple of others I am still waiting on but the key is those have bottomed out in the last month and barring another market meltdown will pop in the near future. Their parts of worth more than their sums so it is just a matter of time.

(NOTTERS, please do not ask me what these are as I do not want to see a sharewizard effect on these stocks).

I have learned that it is good to research the heck out of about 100 companies and then keep following them for a long time. Many were given to me by close peers on the boards or associates at establishments I frequent. Many on my list I have followed since 2006 and while I only own a handful at any given time I will jump at a chance to get in at a good price (like SPQ when it hits 5 or six cents). It is always good for a double. With the exception of NOT and one Bio-tech company that I am long on, I am short on everything else picking up bargains as they appear and taking profits as they arise. The difference now is that I flip between them much less. Something I have learned makes more money than day or week trading.

So you could say I approach the market in two manners. Short and Long. Not is a painful stock to hold long but the rewards have been very good each of the last two years. I do similar things for Noront this year once the Windfall processing begins. Like Sum4All, Double Eagle is still a bonus for me. Windfall is where the money will be at IMO. It is still Richard Nemis' pet project and a it takes 70 pounds of nickel to equal just one ounce of gold on the metals market at today's prices.

Anyway, enjoy your posts and look forward to learning more from you.


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