NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Sometimes I wonder about you guys... Bravekind et al

Sometimes I wonder about you guys... Bravekind et al

posted on Jul 10, 2008 08:24PM

Here we are languishing at a ridiculous valuation under attack by any number of unscrupulous types, and you knuckleheads are saying that we do need Nemis to do any interviews?? Yes I know the market sucks right now, but we do need to blame our predicament entirely on such excuses.

Seriously guys, think about what you are saying... We just had a major 'assault' on our stock by Hodson, and even if news is not imminent or available, the company could at least defend its operations and explain why thoughts/comments like Hodson's are wrong.

Furthermore, right now there are probably many misconceptions out there about the viability of E1, which we on this forum have taken the time to disperse, but how about the larger investor audience that is not participant on these forums? An interview by RN or Harvey explaining the economics and the logistics of mining E1 would go along way to eductaing the investing public what we have at E1, and the potential that remains.

The story needs to be continually sold to a larger and larger audience, even without new news. Our situation (low SP) exists because we have run out of buyers, but there are many more out there waiting to be 'found'. In the meantime, our company is played with by a handful of Bay Street geeks with 'smart' computers simply because they have the whole stadium to themselves and can play whatever game they want.

All of the current owners of NOT are already expecting more results, and bought into the company long ago on such speculation. What makes you think that more news would cause them to by more a lot more shares?? More buyers need to be competing for the available shares, and that can only be achieved by promoting the MFL story. That way, when the drill bit speaks again, we are primed for more and more buying pressureform an increasing buying audience, not just a changing one.

This "let the drill bit do the talking" rhetoric is load of BS. We need both Noront and the drill bit to do the talking, and when is not the other should be... You guys who say tha drill bit is enough frankly fail to understand the dynamics of the the relationship between the mining industry and institutional and high net worth investors.

For once, I would like Noront to do some real talking, because we have not heard from the drill bit for quite some time, and its not just the drill bit who should be telling this story. Just ask the CEO of any junior mining company that has made it big. If Mr. nemis does not have time to do this, then he needs more staff - period. As the CEO, promoting his company should be a top priority.


Jul 10, 2008 09:00PM
Jul 10, 2008 09:02PM

Jul 10, 2008 09:05PM
Jul 10, 2008 09:27PM
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