NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Those that know mining best are the big boys, not the analysts

Those that know mining best are the big boys, not the analysts

posted on Aug 16, 2008 07:00PM

I suppose a second post today won't break me... although admittedly I have a few pilsners on the desk... and with any luck I'll get to one of the Guiness in the fridge. lol

All we can do is try to present the facts as we see them. I am fairly comfortable in thinking any of us can go down to the Royal Bank or Bank of Nova Scotia to buy a few Gold Maples... we'll get them. Lets face it, this is a bank with a thousand plus branches that trys to keep supply on for that many orders.... they likely will not sell out. If they do, I hope someone will share it. They always try to push you towards a certificate, or the gold and a safety deposit box.... they try to identify the cost of the physical is more.

I suppose I'd start tonight and ask what would happen if our media was free to report the news of the day without worry of getting in trouble for slander or losing advertising dollars. I know most might feel that here in Canada we have a free media... that's BS. Media is a business, plain and simple. They are in the business of making money.... don't for a second think that their mandate is 1. edjucating investors. 2. providing an objective opinion. 3. reporting news designed to make you money. 4. reporting the truth. Media is in business to make money...

Therefore, they will report on what makes them money. Perhaps they will enable there supporters, customers, to get whatever message they want to send out. It would be interesting to hold the media accountable for some of the nonsense they have shoved down our throats over the years. Perhaps we can start with reviewing CNBC's glory days of the internet and the mass sales promotion that took place there.

no offence agoracom, you are a different type of media... that lets any of us who want to post our agenda or speak our mind do so.

I suppose i'm digging deeper into consipiracy issues... but, one day you have Jim Cramer on TV reporting that gold is the enemy and that if gold goes down, the DOW will go up... and that Gold is the number one thing that banks look at to detect trouble.... then a few weeks later he's chummy chummy with agnico eagles chairman....

If the media wanted full disclosure they could do a few more things... this nonsense if an analyst's family was invested in a stock or if the analyst's company had a postiion, come on. I'd like to know how much money the recommended stocks pay in advertising on the network. It's pretty easy to slug some poor analyst with I suppose some credentialsl up there... but what if that analyst is there specifically to pump the stock on behalf of the network who receives the revenue... is this a stretch?

Suppose we have Stock A, a financial company of much prestige. I suppose if I was running a network and wanted some deep pockets to pay for advertising, but they didn't want a traditional advertising campaign... I would come up with something else... one example would be to look at which companies in the investment world have a buy rating on the Stock A... and would support naming it as a top pick. Arrange a deal to have Stock A pay the network, and then have the analyst give Stock A some "free" publicity as the top pick, and there you have it...

The analyst hasn't done anything wrong, they have given there honest opinion, and the media company has reported the content they want to and made money... heaven forbid such a thing could happen. Is the analyst right or wrong, who cares... he will never be held accountable to anything in the world, and he may get called back again in 6 months to tout the same company.... even if it is down 30%, it's likely even more a buy.

I guess this all ties back into NOT with our experience with Sprott... we have seen them talk us down time and again... they are currently having to eat it on Timminco, their darling. Nothing against Timminco, I hope they have tremendous success... but, clearly Sprott has promoted this stock beyond belief. Should it not go, I suspect they will have made a fortune either way.

We don't need anyone but Richard Nemis and Company promoting us.... it is nice to have some fund support... but not so they can play there games with us. NOT is a real story... it is out there... and one day it will turn over a new leaf and people will simply buy it... it won't be a pencil deposit with limited potential. It won't be a one hit wonder. It will be a company known for world class exploration... and that will attract more good publicity then any media can ever put out.

At some point in NOT's development, those that know mining best will let the world know what we have....those that know mining best are the big boys... it's a short list and certainly does not include the media or analysts... we are talking the ones that have market caps in the 100's of billions.... xstrata, bhp, cvrd, riotinto, etc. These are the only ones whose opinions we should care about...

not finincial advise, due your own dd



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