NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: RBC called last night...

RBC called last night...

posted on Feb 26, 2009 06:23AM

Spent a full 45 minutes on the phone with RBC last night, they called me, the premis of the call was to do the basic required investor profile update, Got to discussing Canada's future and naturally Mining came up, i prompted him about metals etc. He proceded to tell me of a new hot area in northern ontario that he personally was invested in, a region with a nick name of the Ring of Fire, lol , well i had a good laugh and let him ramble on for a bit before interjecting myself into the onesided conversation, so i ask him what he knows about this ROF, he says this is definitly going to be a new mining district, he goes on to mention NOT and its Eagle One nickel and Blackbird chromite occurances, starts to lay out the importance of nickel and chromite in the steel industry, mentions FWR and its occurances as well as SPQ and KWG's occurances then goes on to say that the world metal players are very interested in the ROF and all are lined up and posturing and that one has already taken a good stake in KWG, i stopped him there and said to him "Cliffs right?" with a subtle laugh. He paused and said "you know it then?" . We had some further discussions as to individual plays and the importance of the chromite discoveries for North America, then i filled him in on the ROF todate, gave him links to the Agoracom site , Snugs Ring of Fire blog, mentioned the letters to MPs and reactions to same and mentioned the McFaulds lake forum as a great place to get pics etc. He thanked me for taking the time to update my profile and in parting he thanked me for updating him on all the ROF stuff and he said he can't wait to fire it around to his investment buddies, he said eventually the real big money is going to start pouring into the ROf and that those with the goods will intensely fought over. He said that the banking community is closely watching what transpires with zest. He sees huge finacial change on the horizon for the planet going forward, also mentioned China as being the primer cord in the equation to recovery, mentioned how the Chinese are going around and buying everything they can get thier hands on, he also mentioned that Canada's banking elite have been entertaining visiting delegates here to get a handle on Canada's banking system as a bendchmark means to go forward with their own recovery plans, he mention the recent action of the 100,000 strong Irish men and women who stormed Government offices there demanding change and sees more of the same on the horizon. The world is such differnet place today that even 4 months ago and he literally giggled about the prospects of the ROF.

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