NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Whistleblowing - Rosedale

Re: Whistleblowing - Rosedale

posted on Mar 17, 2009 11:30AM

Back in Nov. - Dec. 2007, I believe it was, Goldilox was pressed on his affiliation(s) and to the best of my recollection he did then indicate that he did have some type of direct connection to Agoracom, BUT it was in some king of association or capacity that was not detrimental to his posting then. Though my recolection is vague and or likely some what off base, his presence then came across as something to do with assisting in getting the NOT HUB and manner of Discussion shaped into some kind of focus Oriented. Suceed or NOT, I can not really say. Something of a facilitator roll???

Anyhow, thinking back to Sept. - December 2007 and the Security/Privacy of Member Information and Technoledge challenges with respect to this Web Site, Agoracom HAD much Work to do to properly secure this Web Site from Stealthly infiltration, not of posters and their posting agenda but of things like Hacking, Keylogging, Spaming info gathering, etc. Over those months it was obvious that Agoracom was actively working to properly improve on the then current state of these Issues. However, it was and is my impression that the harm to Individuals such as myself had already been done. It has only been since last Summer that I have gained the sence that all the lingering problems were APPARENTLY addressed as best they ever can be adderssed.

The consequences of these early Web Security Problems/Issues, based on external situations I have personally experienced, were very likely part of the reason, if not concern, that assisted the Dissadent "Ring Leader(s)" in garnering the Support they received in initiating the Dissident Proxy Fight. How much questionable Stealth the Dissidents were involved in beyond trying to use themes posted on this Discussion Forum going all the way back to Janurary 2008, if not all the way back to Sept. 2007, has to be factored into the rather VERY POOR Dissadent Rational used in their PATHETIC very badly miscalculated and executed Dissident Share Holder Proxy Campaign. Either which way, the Dissadents, and parts there off, as well as others (I think "Hustle Bunny" as an enterprising DimWitt side show in this Stealthy stuff) are only now learning some of the real challenges and limitations of attempting Clandestine Web Operations.

Thus, their return and increasingly heavier reliance on the traditional SP Manipulation (properly characterized as Share Price CONTROL) tactics we have been whitness to all along, starting with the Magoo stuff back in October - December 2007. That the so called Regulators allow this type of trading speaks to the complexity of Theory on such Auction type Mechanisms. Be it right or worng, this manipulation activity (Ability/Skill) is accessable to all and practiced to the financial ability of ALL Stock Market Participants. That some have much more Financial Ability is just what can be called a Known FACT. In this regard, one question that will always remain very relevant to us is: Who are these SP Manipulators??? and What Goal(s) are each of these SP Manipulators working towards??? and For which Vested Interests???

Other than having reasonable access to pertinent Corporate Information - Vision, Plans, and Financial/Geological/Exploration DATA, all of which should be kept current and in the PUBLIC DOMAIN but currently is being done by the BoD to very insufficient and superficial degree - Discussion and Searching for reasonable information and insight on the nature and goals of these Stealthy Operators should be a VERY STRONG FOCUS on this Forum.

Suggestion of protective Strategies would be an added plus.

I do, on the other hand, not see how submission and or subservience to the "Want To Be" so called "Power Brokers" (including our BoD members) can best serve any individual Retail Share Holder's BEST INTERESTS. Active Protecting and Enhancement of ones own Personal Investment Dollar. Willfull "TOTAL Dependance" on the whims of others is never in an Individual's Best Inerest.

Old Joe

PS: How is that for a focused pertinent evolving ramble?

Mar 17, 2009 01:19PM
Mar 17, 2009 01:22PM
Mar 17, 2009 02:15PM
Mar 17, 2009 08:49PM
Mar 17, 2009 09:46PM
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