NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Poisoned


I understand the frustration.

I don't like a lower share price or extended silence, much like yourself.

But then I ask myself.. what am I going to do about it? It brings to mind a conversation I had with my dad a few years ago. Sorry for the bit of OT but it is relevant here.

My dad hated his neighbour's Maple Tree. Absolutely hated it. Why? Well, most of the branches hung over my dad's property. These branches would drop leaves and other debris into his swimming pool. He was sick and tired of trimming branches of a tree that didn't really belong to him. Sick of the cutting of the branches into a size suitable for recycle pick up and then the added bundling with twine. Sick of racking those leaves around the pool. Sick of buying recycle bags with his own money for leaves that did not belong to him. He brought up this tree with every visit I made. Kept saying things like , " I should go over and talk to this neighbour about , "the tree."

I finally could not take it anymore. I was "tree-ed out." I told my dad quite firmly, " you have only 2 choices:

(1) sell your home


(2) learn to love the tree"

My dad looked at me in disbelief. I told him quite firmly, "this is not your tree. You do not have a right to tell this neighbour what to do on his property."

He has not spoken of the tree since. I am happy about this. But, he does speak of Noront when I come over and how he is not happy I convinced him to buy shares.

I told him to sell or learn to love Noront!

I learned to take my own advice. Whenever I was angry at Noront I looked at ways to Love Noront,since, I did not want to sell my shares.

I started looking at clues and details . Most recently, stuff like:

Insiders not buying or selling most likely because they are in possession of undisclosed information. Why not disclose info? They could be having discussions with someone(s) or could be for other strategic purposes.

I look carefully at the people associated with this company, Noront Resources. All of them have been winners in their former employments. These are top dog people. And we have a collection of them. Not just one exceptional person. That is one powerful brainy team. I have to assume there is a method to this madness.

I look for subtle hints. Wes, telling the world on a webcast that they are working at doubling the resource and are close to another eagle. I look at the map of Eagles nest and see the line drawn from 1000m to 2000m. I figure if you go from 1000-2000,...well that's double. Well, did good results allow this doubling??

The research study excited me because of the timing. We expect some deep holes to be done. So, this research company comes out in early Sept.(which is about right for the timing of at least a couple of deep holes .)

AT the same time Wes is confidently speaking of a potential doubling of the resource and at the same time we had some price moves in Early Sept. coincidentally the same time Geotop was there. Yep, our price went up for some unexplainable reason with good volume only to come back down. Why did it go up?Why the higher volume? See Below. Just a coincidence? Is my post Sept. 7 (early Sept.) also a coincidence?

Desjardins Montreal

posted on Sep 07, 10 09:00PM

It was interesting that Desjardins was the biggest buyer today....

I am thinking about this more closely today for the simple fact that Geotop is the Quebec inter university network for advanced studies and research in geo sciences. Ok. So these people, who are from Quebec go to the Noront camp in EARLY SEPT. looking at our deep holes and at the same time Desjardins in Montreal is the biggest buyer Sept.7. Anyone other than me seeing something here?

Perhaps Geotop liked what they saw? Would also explain the confidence to speak of the doubling at the same time by Wes on a WEBCAST presentation.

What else did we see in Sept. other than this university visit. Let's see: Vale, Xstrata,Cliffs all raising money and simultaneously Noront's shareholder right's plan NR.

AS far as the selling in droves. I see low volume. Much of what I see is stuff like. Anon to Jitney , Jitney to Anon. CIBC to CIBC. TD to TD. . Many days I look at this and say I wonder if anyone really sold anything? Many trades are volleyball with one player.

I see a HUGE, DEEP attempt to hold the Noront share price down. Why? That is the question. I posted many times about RIM's share price supression in the FALL of 1998 (just 3 months away from the first blackberry sale and the lauch of a legend.) How ironic The leaves fall off the trees in the fall and the RIM leaves were dropping. The magic number was 83 cents. I begged for conversation on this topic of WHY? WHY the 83 cents, why the last minute haircut when the risk was removed. No one has come to bat. Not one person has commented on this. We focus on the avg. of 1.18 and yet our Canadian neighbour in Waterloo, Ontario saw something strange and similar with the magic 83. Why the accumulation at a low price for either RIM or Noront? Any ideas?

Well it tells me something. WE are DAMN GOOD.

I have heard the expression don't fall in love with a stock. But, in the case of Noront other than the current share price, my DD has not given me any reason not to love it.

Will someone be brave and tell me that the RIM situation was very different. Price was pushed down to 83 cents and held there because....... and our case is different because.... I am begging for conversation on this.

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