NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: What’s next?

Just a some points on your obersvations.

I live around Sudbury.I`ve been buying KWG and satellite stock since i first heard of the riches years ago.You mention the natives holding up the proceedings

I`ve had friends come up from VOTER RICH southern Ontario where you reside and where the majority of the votes are supplied to elect politicians

My friends want to see the "miserable" conditions natives live in that they are shown on Global,CBC,etc,etc all the time

They are literally shocked when i take them on tour to see the beautiful homes and accessories sitting on the reserves around here

As long as Attawapiskat continues to be portrayed the way it is in VOTER RICH southern Ontario,you will have a VERY long wait for politicians to take any risk,or for the natives to do anything to help themselves.I`ve been watching how it works for fifty years

DeBeers has offered to train and hire,any and all Attawapiskat natives, that wish to work for DeBeers.So far very few have taken up the offer.The ones that DO take up DeBeers on the offer,"lead a great life".That`s verbatim from one of the local natives.It was in, of all places,the anti ROF,Toronto Star.You can archive the article.

By the way,DeBeers also supplied numerous homes for free to some natives in Attawapiskat ,to which some natives of Attawapiskat
responded by shutting down the only road in to DeBeers

All we continue to see from southern ontario in the news is the "plight" of Attawapiskat.As long as THAT continues,so will the reluctance of natives to join the work force .

No mention ever of the offer of steady employment from DeBeers

Untill the images in the "land that gets politicians elected" (Southern Ontario) are changed,don`t expect any quick resolution concerning ROF.

As i say,archive The Toronto Star article(s) They are dead set against The Ring of Fire development.But they slipped up when they quoted one native lady saying her and her working husband have a "great life" thanks to the DeBeers mine.Again,that`s verbatim.

Those are not my words,they`re hers,easily archived in The Star

Trying to renegotiate centuries old,unnegotiable contracts is not going to work.I live here.I know some of the people that do the work up in the mines.That`s NOT what the natives are waiting for.Good luck,but you`re in for the "long" haul for sure untill the right palms are greased

Someday that rich mineral resource will boom,sort of like the Alberta Tar Sands.Once it`s REALLY needed.At least your children and/or grandchildren will benefit.Just don`t anyone go spending the money from ROF just yet .

Unless those palms get greased quicker than expected :)

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